Creativity brings the magic to all aspects of life: learn, work, play, share

Till Jaspert

With degrees in economics and international business and a 20+ years career as innovation consultant for companies and organizations across Europe, Till has a lifelong passion for creativity. To share his beliefs, he has taught design thinking, creativity and entrepreneurship at the several European countries he has lived in (France, UK, Spain, Germany, Italy). His students range from primary pupils (Lycée Français de Barcelone, Colegio Blanca de Castilla in Madrid) to master students of design or business (INSEAD Paris, EADA and IED in Barcelona).

Till founded Creator Street because as father of 3 boys, together with his wife Nuria, he has a personal motivation to improve education, nurturing children’s imagination and talent, ability to solve problems and reach personal fulfillment, in a multi-cultural environment.

Having a creative and user centred approach while designing new learning experiences is what really contributes to unleash meaningful impact on society.

Ada Maymó
Service Designer

As a Design graduate from Elisava School, Engineering and Design University in Barcelona, Ada has been surrounded by creativity since she started her career as a designer. She believes it is possible to create meaningful social impact in organisations and people through a human-centred design approach. She loves being part of the Creator Street team as here she has found a common ground for her two passions: design and education.

As a service designer of new learning experiences, she works in creating new strategies to improve learning experiences that contribute to promote lifelong learning among society. She works fluently in English, Catalan & Spanish.

Imagination and commitment are two ingredients to create infinitely.

Laura Fres
Innovation & Strategy Consultant

BBA, MSc in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability and experience in strategy & innovation consulting. Passionate about social innovation, environmental sustainability and all those initiatives around the world bringing together creativity and the common good. She believes that innovating in education and lifelong learning are essential to transform and improve the way we understand and build our world.

Changing career paths allowed me to work in what I really care about: education.

Lara Rosety
Programme Director

A Law graduate from the University of Barcelona, Lara discovered her passion for education as she was teaching Law at a primary school as part of her pro-bono work as a lawyer of the firm Uría Menéndez. She then decided to pursue her passion and earned an interdisciplinary degree in Law and Education at Stanford University. She wrote her master thesis on “Methodologies and contents of Spanish Civic Education”. At Stanford, she also collaborated with the children literature start-up “readImagine” and worked on how to implement design thinking in Silicon Valley as part of the k-12 lab project at the Stanford d-school.

As Creator Street Programme Director, she has a blast creating and delivering creativity workshops for children. She is fluent in English, French, Spanish and Catalan.

I can't conceive a future where I don't have a creative job.

Ana López
Designer & Creative Facilitator

Ana is trained as an industrial design engineer. Thanks to a scholarship from Fundació la Caixa, she earned a master that opened to her the doors of strategic design and design thinking. She currently works as a strategic designer and she can’t conceive a future where she doesn’t have a creative job. She often contributes with social innovation initiatives like Sustainability Jam. She has lived and worked in Madrid, Valencia and The Netherlands (Delft & Rotterdam). She has experience as user researcher, creative facilitator and idea generation and rapid prototyping.

At Creator Street, she loves moderating creative sessions to make students think out of the box. She is curious about technology and how it affects society.

As Mark Twain said, I try to keep exploring, dreaming and discovering day after day.

Judit Llavina
Design Thinking and Education Specialist

After graduating from ESADE school as a bachelor in Business Administration, Judit joined “Empieza por Educar” (Teach First Spain), a two-year program that completely changed her life and led her to discover her passion for education. As a teacher, she was part of several teams that worked for a common goal: providing educational opportunities for everyone.
After the end of the program, she moved to Ahmedabad (India), where she taught at The Riverside School, a design-thinking pioneer school and collaborated with Design For Change Foundation. There, she understood the power of innovation, creativity and problem-solving in providing great education. At Creator Street, she combines her two passions: education and innovation. She loves being able to design and deliver multiple workshops with other teachers and students in order to empower them with new competencies and skills.

The moment we discover our inner creativity, we discover our limitless potential.

Fernanda Santanna

Graduated in Social Communication, Fernanda grew up in the south of Brazil and since a very young age developed a passion for traveling and observing other cultures. At 25, she already had the opportunity to visit 21 countries and to live in four. In this spirit, she moved to Spain and study her master degree in Research for Design and Innovation at ELISAVA, Barcelona. In Creator Street, she found a cause she truly believes in and the opportunity to collaborate in social changes she wishes for the future. She has background as a communication planner and trend researcher.

Digital natives have amazing tools to develop their creative talent. We'll be the parents of the first generation of truly creative adults.

Anna Codina
“Petits Clicks” Collaborator

Recent mother of two girls, Anna is passionate about new technologies. Beyond her current job as innovation consultant, user experience and digital strategy, she publishes two blogs around the digital world, one of which –Petits Clicks– is centered on “parents and 2.0 children”. Her education is on marketing and innovation and she loves writing!