
Creator Street Academy aims at training current and future professionals of education as well as other disciplines in creativity processes and techniques so they can employ them in their class and work environments. Modules include design thinking and creative problem solving through applied projects participants get to practice those techniques.

If you are a current or future professional looking forward to innovate in the classroom or your work environment, the Academy has unique creative programs for you!

Creator Street Challenge - Pro edition

Creator Street Challenge is a novel format to tackle difficult innovation issues with the help of multidisciplinary teams. Based on human-centered design, we bring together people from diverse backgrounds and experiences who will collaborate to achieve high-impact results in very short time. This multidisciplinary project-based approach combines the case work with a methodological framework. Come immerse yourself in an innovative and creative environment and unleash your entrepreneurial spirit!

While the methodology remains the same, formats can vary from very compact -one day or weekend- to extended- 4 to 10 weeks.

Design Thinking for Educators

Wondering how to innovate at your school? We are constantly hearing about 21st century skills and introducing technology in the classroom but balancing time constraints, curriculum requirements and technological innovation ends up being a real challenge! To help educators introduce meaningful innovation in their classrooms, Creator Street has designed a series of workshops tailored to teachers and principals. You’ll have the opportunity to reflect upon and re-design the innovation process in the classroom.

Formats can vary from very compact -one day or weekend- to extended- 4 to 10 weeks.